Can You Use MOZA Racing & Thrustmaster Together? Compatibility Guide

Have you ever thought about how to use MOZA and Thrustmaster sim racing products together? This guide explores MOZA and Thrustmaster compatibility and how to use them together.

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Both MOZA Racing and Thrustmaster produce a range of excellent sim racing products. There are a lot of different steering wheels, racing wheels, pedals and peripherals to choose from each brand. But what if you wanted to combine the best products from both brands? Can you use MOZA and Thrustmaster sim racing products together?

In this guide, I’m going to look at all the ways that you can mix and match MOZA and Thrustmaster products while ensuring compatibility. I’ll look at a range of different scenarios such as mixing steering wheels with wheel bases and more.

Can you use Thrustmaster pedals with a MOZA Racing wheel?

Mixing and matching sim racing pedals and racing wheels from different brands is a relatively easy thing to do. If you have a set of sim racing pedals from Thrustmaster and a racing wheel from MOZA, you can use them together.

This compatibility only works on PC and not Xbox or PS5 consoles. However, that isn’t too much of an issue as MOZA primarily only has PC-compatible sim racing hardware. This method works with any set of Thrustmaster pedals that can be directly connected to your PC. You simply require a USB-A or USB-C cable that runs from the pedals to your PC.

How to connect Thrustmaster pedals and a MOZA wheel

In this scenario, you simply connect your racing wheel to your PC via the USB cable from the back of the wheel base. Then, connect your Thrustmaster pedals to your PC with the cable that runs from the pedals to a USB port on your PC.

Can you use MOZA pedals with a Thrustmaster wheel?

So now we know that you can use Thrustmaster pedals with a MOZA Racing wheel, what about if we flip the scenario? What if we want to use a set of MOZA sim racing pedals with a Thrustmaster racing wheel like the T818 direct drive wheel?

This scenario is just as possible as the previous scenario we looked at. You can connect any set of MOZA pedals to your PC directly rather than connecting them to your wheel base.

With the pedals connected to your PC directly, you will need MOZA Pit House running so your PC can recognise your pedals. Then connect your Thrustmaster racing wheel to your PC using the USB data cable.

What MOZA pedals can you use with a Thrustmaster wheel?

You can use all of MOZA Racing’s pedals with any Thrustmaster racing wheel. This includes the premium CRP pedals through to the entry-level SR-P Lite pedals.

View the best MOZA Racing wheels you can buy. Our complete MOZA Racing buyers guide.

Can you use MOZA steering wheel with Thrustmaster racing wheel?

While it is quite a simple process to use pedals and racing wheels from different brands, trying to use a steering wheel from one brand on a racing wheel from another brand is a bit more complex.

All sim racing brands have their own quick releases and compatibility requirements. This means you won’t simply be able to attach a MOZA steering wheel to a Thrustmaster wheel due to incompatibility.

Currently, Thrustmaster doesn’t sell an adapter that allows for other branded steering wheels to be used. This makes it impossible to use a MOZA steering wheel with a Thrustmaster wheel base officially. There are some 3D printed and third party adapters around that let you mount other wheel rims to a Thrustmaster wheel base. However, I personally haven’t tested any of these, so cannot guarantee whether they work correctly.

Can you use Thrustmaster steering wheel with MOZA racing wheel?

If you want to use a Thrustmaster steering wheel or wheel rim with a MOZA Racing wheel base, you do have more options. Unlike Thrustmaster, MOZA Racing does sell a quick release adapter.

The MOZA Racing quick release adapter can be mounted to many steering wheels from a variety of different brands. This includes some Thrustmaster steering wheels.

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How to use the MOZA quick release adapter

The quick release adapter is designed to be attached to the rear of a steering wheel. It contains all of the features to allow the wheel it is connected to be mounted to a MOZA wheel base. The adapter will let you use the third-party wheel rim to control your car, and all of the force feedback from the MOZA wheel base will be functional.

The main downside of using a MOZA quick release adapter is that it doesn’t transfer any electronics from third-party steering wheels. This means that none of the inputs, paddles or encoders on the Thrustmaster steering wheel will be functional. This is less than ideal, however, does technically let you use your Thrustmaster wheel if the situation calls for it.

Mixing peripherals from both brands

Much like the situation of using MOZA pedals with a Thrustmaster racing wheel, you can also mix and match peripherals from both brands. This only works when sim racing on PC, and not console.

Any sim racing peripheral that can be connected directly to your PC can be used with any racing wheel or pedal set from any brand. This lets you really customise your sim racing setup and mixing peripherals from your favourite brands.

As an example, I often utilise a MOZA sequential shifter and handbrake regardless of which pedals or racing wheel I’m using. MOZA produce my favourite sequential shifter to date and because it can be connected directly to a PC, I can use it with any other sim racing hardware.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Thrustmaster pedals with a MOZA wheel base?

If you are sim racing on PC, you can use a combination of Thrustmaster pedals with a MOZA wheel base. Both the pedals and wheel base will need to be connected to your PC individually.

Which steering wheels work with MOZA wheel bases?

You can check the compatibility of each MOZA wheel base on MOZA’s website directly. Most MOZA steering wheels are supported on most MOZA wheel bases. You can also use the MOZA quick release adapter to connect third-party steering wheels to a MOZA wheel base.

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Article written by Rich

Founder of

Rich is the founder, F1 car setup creator and content writer for SimRacingSetups. With over a decade of experience as a graphic designer, marketing director, competitive sim racer and avid motorsport fan, Rich founded to share his passion and knowledge of sim racing and Formula 1 with other sim racers. Regularly writes for sim racing website

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