Fanatec Sim Racing Products

This page is your hub for everything Fanatec. We have compiled the ultimate resource for Fanatec products. Including product reviews, comparisons, guides, how to guides and your FAQs answered!

Below we have links to the best Fanatec wheel and pedals you can buy. We've got in depth product guides comparing Fanatec wheels and pedals to show you which Fanatec product is best for you. Further down the page we also include a selection of "How To" guides, showing you how to calibrate and setup Fanatec wheels on PC, Xbox and PS4 along with a host of other Fanatec tips for existing Fanatec owners.

Where To Buy Fanatec Products

The best place to purchase Fanatec products is directly from their own store front. They have individual regional stores, which I have linked below. The links below are affiliate links. Using thes links won't affect the price you pay, but will earn us a small commission. Thankyou to everyone who has used one of our affiliate links in the past!

Fanatec Stock Checker

Our Fanatec stock checker is a quick way to check the stock levels of popular Fanatec products. As Fanatec products come into stock, the availability will change below. Check back regularly to see which products are in stock.

Disclaimer: We may receive a small commission from any sales made via the affiliate links on this page. Prices and stock are correct at the time of publishing and may have changed. We do our best to keep these prices updated and correct.

Fanatec Product Guides

Below are our most recent Fanatec product guides. These guides include head to head comparisons to find the best Fanatec products, along with various how-to guides showing you how to use your Fanatec wheel to its full potential and much more.

Fanatec Frequently Asked Questions

Your most commonly asked Fanatec questions answered.

Why are many Fanatec racing wheels out of stock?

Like many tech companies, Fanatec has struggled to produce stock due to the global chip shortage. This chip shortage meant that popular products including iPhones, PlayStation 5 consoles, graphics cards and sim racing products have been hard to find in stock throughout 2022 and the start of 2023.

How do I setup my Fanatec wheel?

All Fanatec racing wheels have many settings which can be customised and configured. Follow our complete guide to learn how to setup and calibrate a Fanatec wheel on PC, Xbox & PS5.

Where can I buy Fanatec wheels in the UK, USA & Canada?

You can view the best places to buy Fanatec racing wheels above. You can also view our complete list of the best places to buy Fanatec products from Canada, USA and the UK here.

Do you have a comparison of every Fanatec wheel base?

Yes! You can view a full comparison including a comparison table of every Fanatec product in our Ultimate Fanatec Buyers Comparison.