F1 22 – How To Convert a Dry Setup To A Wet Setup

Creating the perfect car setup for a dry race in F1 22 can take some time. So when the rain comes it can be frustrating. Read this ultimate guide to converting a dry setup to a wet setup.

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How to convert dry setup to wet setup F1 22

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One of the main requests I get from you guys is when are my wet setups coming. And the answer is very soon. I’ve had a break from creating setups after all of the dry setups dropped to focus on other content. But I thought one of the best ways to help you guys find the perfect wet setup is to show you how to convert any dry setup into a very good wet setup.

Creating a dry setup in F1 22 can take some time to perfect. And when you find the perfect dry setup, there is nothing more frustrating to jump into a career mode or MyTeam race to find that is going to be raining during the race!

Even using our own F1 22 car setups, you will still almost always need to make adjustments when the rain comes.

But if this situation does arise, don’t panic. You won’t need to go hunting for a new wet car setup. Instead, you can simply apply a few general setup tweaks to turn your dry setup into a very good wet setup.

In this guide, I’m going to run through which setup changes you need to make to turn any dry setup in F1 22 into a wet setup.

How To Setup A Car For Wet Conditions

The first thing we need to touch on before going into the specific setup changes that you need to make is what makes a good wet race setup. Knowing how a wet setup differs from a dry setup is the first key to then knowing what to change when converting any dry setup into a wet one.

Ultimately, wet race conditions are more about car stability than they are outright speed. Of course, you will still require a fast car in the rain, otherwise, you won’t have a very fun race. But you need to make adjustments to make the car easier to drive consistently in what are much harder conditions.

The cars in F1 22 are already tricky to drive without traction control. Throwing wet weather into the mix only exaggerates how tricky it is to both slow the car down and to get the power down out of corners.

There are a few main characteristics that you want out of your car when racing in the rain. You’ll need a car that;

  • Doesn’t understeer too badly on corner entry
  • Easy as possible to accelerate without wheelspin
  • Stable under braking

If you can tick off those three requirements, you should feel comfortable racing in wet conditions in F1 22.

The main areas to focus on when creating a wet car setup in F1 22

So now we know what characteristics we’re looking for out of our wet car setup. Let’s take a look at what areas of your car setup you should be thinking about changing.

How to convert dry setup to wet setup F1 22

Higher downforce

You will almost always want more downforce in wet conditions. The track is much slipperier, and you have a lot less mechanical grip in the wet. This will ultimately make your car slide across the track much more than in dry conditions.

One of the answers to this problem, is to increase your downforce. More front downforce will stop your car from understeering as much on corner entry, and more rear downforce will increase rear stability.

Both of these adjustments will help dramatically in wet conditions, and should be your first stop when adjusting your car setup.

Lower On-Throttle Differential

Your second port of call should be to adjust your on-throttle differential. A lower on-throttle diff setup will decrease how easy it is to spin your rear wheels when accelerating.

I often lower the on-throttle differential for car setups around slower tracks, where traction is harder to find. Corners such as turn 3 at Austria, or turn 10 at Canada are prime examples where traction is hard to find.

Applying this principle will also help you find traction easier in wet conditions.

Softer Suspension

Your suspension stiffness will greatly affect how your car handles in any condition. Typically, you’ll want to set your suspension as stiff as you find comfortable to increase car responsiveness.

But if you stiffen your suspension too much, you’ll introduce an area of unpredictability. Your car can snap on you much quicker and can be harder to drive. Typically if you are after a more stable car, you’ll want a softer suspension.

And it’s for that reason that I would look at potentially softening the car’s suspension for wet conditions.

Higher Ride Height

When rain lands on the track, it often sits on the track surface. This brings the bottom of your car closer to the new effective track surface, which is the top layer of water.

If your car is too low, or the rain gets too heavy, the bottom of your car can start to touch the surface water. This will essentially cause your tyres to start lifting away from the track surface and cause your car to skid or aquaplane across the track surface.

Aquaplaning normally results in a complete lack of grip and control, as your tyres are no longer producing the grip needed to keep your car on the track.

To avoid this, it is best to increase your ride height slightly. This will lift the bottom of the car away from any surface water, decreasing your likelihood of aquaplaning.

Lower Brake Pressure

Reducing your brake pressure can help you find a more consistent braking routine, especially if you are racing F1 22 without the ABS assist turned on. Due to the water, you will have less overall grip. This will make it much easier to lock a wheel under braking.

You’ll generally have to be much more careful when applying brake pressure in the rain in F1 22. You’ll need to modulate your brake pedal much more and you’ll have to start braking earlier into a corner.

If you struggle to modulate your brake pressure and not lock up in wet conditions, you can look to lower your brake pressure. This will ultimately lower the maximum braking force you can apply, making it easier to brake without locking a wheel.

Lower Tyre Pressures

One of the final areas to look at when creating a wet setup in F1 22 is to lower your tyre pressures. Lower tyre pressures will increase the amount of tyre surface in contact with the track. It does this by slightly deflating your wheel.

In wet conditions, lower tyre pressures can help you find traction under acceleration. More tyre surface in contact with the road normally results in more grip in a straight line.

One thing to note with tyre pressures is that lower pressures will also lower your tyre temperatures. This can be good if your wet or intermediate tyres are overheating in drying conditions. But it can also be bad if you are struggling to warm up your wet tyres.

How To Convert Any Dry Setup To A Wet Setup

So now we know what characteristics we want from our car in the wet, and what setup options we should be changing. But now I’m going to look at the exact process for converting any dry setup to a wet setup in F1 22.

This is the exact process I normally run through when creating any wet setup in F1 22. I’ll generally start with my optimised dry setup for a specific track. Then I’ll go through this process of adjusting specific setup options.

Generally, these changes can be used for every track. But I always then go out and test them in both light and heavy rain conditions on wet and intermediate tyres. Testing your setup is very important, as you may want to adjust some parts of your setup differently to what I’m about to do.

Of course, this is a base recommendation, and you can tailor your wet setup to be better by tweaking it after applying these changes. But this should give you a decent platform to quickly create wet setups.

What To Change For Wet Conditions


  • Increase the front and rear aero by 2 for intermediate conditions.
  • Increase the front and rear aero by 4 for full wet conditions.


  • Lower the On-Throttle Differential to 50%.
  • If the Off-Throttle Differential is higher than 60%, lower it to 55%.

Suspension Geometry

  • Lower your rear camber by 1 point. (Move further right on the slider towards max)


  • Lower your front and rear suspension stiffness by 1.
  • If either suspension option is above 5 lower it by 2.
  • If you rear anti-roll bar is over 8, lower it by 1, otherwise leave it alone.
  • Increase both front and rear ride height by 2.


  • Lower brake pressure to below 95% if you are struggling with wheel lock-ups.
  • If brake bias is above 52%, lower it to 50%.


  • Lower your front tyre pressures by 1 point.
  • Lower your rear tyre pressures by 2 points.

By using these changes, you should be able to get a decent wet setup for any track. You may not need to use everything that I’ve just mentioned. For example, some setup changes such as the suspension changes will only apply if your dry setup meets certain criteria.

And you may find that only applying a few of the suggestions above will give you a car that is fast and stable in wet conditions.


And that will round out this guide on how to convert a dry setup into a wet setup in F1 22. Understanding the principles of how driving in the rain differs from dry conditions, and what to look for in your car setup should help you be able to tune your own wet setup.

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Article written by Rich

Founder of SimRacingSetups.com

Rich is the founder, F1 car setup creator and content writer for SimRacingSetups. With over a decade of experience as a graphic designer, marketing director, competitive sim racer and avid motorsport fan, Rich founded SimRacingSetup.com to share his passion and knowledge of sim racing and Formula 1 with other sim racers. Regularly writes for sim racing website SimRaceReviews.com

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