F1 22 Best MOZA R9 Wheel Settings & Force Feedback Settings

MOZA Racing are releasing some fantastic wheel bases recently. If you're using a MOZA wheel with F1 22, here are our recommended force feedback settings for the MOZA Racing R9 Wheel in F1 22.

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F1 22 Best MOZA R9 Force Feedback Settings

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Here are our optimised force feedback settings for the MOZA Racing R9 wheel base for F1 22. I have been using the MOZA R9 wheel base and the MOZA FSR formula wheel for the majority of my time racing in F1 22. So I thought I’d share my force feedback settings and my Pit House settings.

These settings give you a pretty good feel behind the wheel, with force feedback that is optimised to present you with a lot of different information through the wheel.

MOZA R9 Wheel Settings Video

Below is a complete video of this whole guide. Watch this video for the best F1 22 settings on the MOZA R9 or continue to read on below.

MOZA R9 calibration settings

The first thing you’ll want to do when you first load up F1 22 with the MOZA R9 wheel base connected is head over to the calibration settings. These settings will allow you to adjust elements such as linearity and deadzone.

It’s also a great place to test that your wheel is working as it should using the button test.

Calibration settings

The good news is that you shouldn’t really need to adjust too much in the calibration settings. I apply a little brake deadzone, just to avoid me touching the brake pedal and deactivating DRS. But this is really a personal preference.

MOZA R9 Calibration Settings F1 22

MOZA F1 22 Force Feedback Settings

Then we can move on to the force feedback settings which is where the majority of the fine-tuning of the force feedback happens.

I found the optimum force feedback settings for my MOZA R9 and FSR wheel to be;

In-Game Settings:

  • Vibration & FFB: On
  • Vibration & FFB Strength: 95
  • On Track Effects: 40
  • Rumble Strip Effects: 35
  • Off Track Effects: 30
  • Wheel Damper: 20
  • Understeer Enhance: Off
  • Wheel rotation: 360°

F1 22 settings explanation

So looking at the force feedback settings, the first thing we need to do is ensure vibration and force feedback is turned on. Then I set my force feedback strength to 95. Taking this away from 100 will simply remove any clipping that may occur from turning the force feedback up too high.

Next up, I set the on track effects to 40. This will amplify effects such as road surface imperfections and bumps in the road. If you’re getting too much vibration in your wheel when driving on the track, you can reduce this setting a little.

Then I set rumble strip effects to 35. This should always be lower than your on track effects as the rumble strips can really vibrate your steering wheel quite aggressively. Don’t lower it down passed around 25-30 though otherwise, you won’t feel the difference between the track and the kerbs.

I’ve lowered the off track effects even further to 30. This will limit how aggressive the grass and gravel are when you go off track. Lowering this setting will make it easier to recover your car if you overshoot a corner.

The wheel damper adds a level of weight to your steering wheel. If you go too high with this setting your wheel will feel sticky and too heavy. Around 20 with this setting feels just about right. You get a feeling of weight in the wheel without it feeling sluggish.

Then, I keep understeer enhance off. This setting will make your steering wheel feel incredibly light when you start to understeer. I’d recommend turning this setting on while you are learning the limits of the car. Then turn it off once you’re comfortable that you can detect understeer.

Then for wheel rotation, keep this set to 360°, and go for 900° for the supercar wheel rotation.

MOZA R9 Pit House settings

To really nail the feeling of the force feedback from your MOZA R9 in F1 22, you also need to tweak some settings in the MOZA Pit House software.

Within the software which is included with your wheel base, you can adjust a variety of settings. These can dramatically change how the force feedback feels.

Below are the recommended settings for the R9 in Pit House. These, combined with the F1 22 in-game settings will really optimise your force feedback.

MOZA Pit House Settings F1 22

MOZA Pit House settings explanation

There is a variety of presets available in the basic settings of Pit House which will make wide sweeping changes. These are good for jumping between different styles and games.

But I’d recommend copying these settings to really optimise the force feedback. Starting with the steering angle, set that to 360° to align this setting with the in-game settings.

--- Article continues below ---

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  • Keep road sensitivity set to 10 to allow the full range of road detail to be translated. Then set your game force feedback intensity to 100%. This can be used as a global strength controller, so if you’d prefer lighter force feedback, you can turn this slider down and it will affect every other setting proportionately.

    The maximum speed of steering wheel can be set to around 60%. This affects the speed that the wheel can return to center, and how fast it’ll move. 60% is just about right with this setting. Too high and the wheel can move too fast.

    For F1 22 in particular I set the mechanical back-to-center strength to 0%, as this is really unneeded. Then the mechanical damping works in tandem with the in-game wheel damping setting. Leave this at around 40% for a good amount of weight in your steering wheel. Much higher and your steering wheel will feel like its stuck in honey and will be less responsive.

    Advanced Settings

    The maximum output torque limit will introduce a cap to the strongest torque that is output from the wheel. At 100% your wheel will be capable of outputting 9Nm of torque. I like to lower this slightly to 95% just to prevent maxing the wheel’s motor out too much.

    You should leave hand off protection turned on. This is a safety feature that can detect if you’ve taken your hands off the steering wheel and will prevent it from spinning too fast uncontrollably.

    The steering wheel inertia ratio is the point at which the wheel will detect that you aren’t holding it. Set this to around 2250. You can turn the status indicator on or off, as this is just controlling the blue light on the front of the wheel base.

    Leave the temperature control strategy on radical as this just affects how hot the wheel base can get during use. Then the soft limiter will affect whether force feedback still comes through the wheel when turned to its maximum rotation. Again leave this on.

    And leave work mode enabled.

    The natural inertia will also affect the overall weight of your wheel and can be used to amplify the force feedback. This is useful if driving in very raw race cars, and you want to emulate that. For F1 22 I’d recommend leaving it at no more than 150%.

    For the mechanical friction, set this to about 15%. This is an independent force from the game’s force feedback and will introduce a friction style effect. Higher values will smooth out your force feedback and introduce a very mechanical feeling.

    Your speed-dependant damping will change how your wheel is dampened when you drive over a certain speed. It essentially makes your wheel feel heavier at higher speeds which is realistic. Set this to around 15% as we don’t want this effect to be too strong.

    Then set the start point to around 185/190km/h.

    MOZA Pit House FFB Effect F1 22

    FFB Effect Equalizer

    The force feedback equalizer gives you even deeper levels of control over specific vibrations and frequencies in-game. You can really tinker with specific feelings that you get from the wheel.

    To adjust these settings simply move along the frequencies along the bottom and either drag the sliders up or down to increase effects within that frequency range.

    For lower frequencies such as body bumps and slow-speed kerbs, I have kept the slider at around or just over 100%.

    For ABS vibration and higher speed kerbs, I’ve increased the effect to around 150% to make these effects more pronounced.

    Then I’ve lowered the higher frequencies to around 20%. Setting these low will make forces such as driving off track much lower giving you a much higher chance of recovering if you have an off.

    Of course, all of these settings are subjective, but they all combine to give me a really positive feeling when racing in F1 22.

    MOZA button mapping

    The final part of setting up your MOZA R9 wheel with F1 22 is to set your button mapping. In fact, this should probably be the first thing you do.

    This step will be very different depending on which steering wheel you have. The CS steering wheel has much fewer inputs than the GS and FSR wheels so you’ll have fewer inputs to map.

    I’m running through this with the FSR formula wheel but wanted to show you how I set my wheel mapping up for F1 22.

    Watch the video below for an example of how I set up my button mapping.

    This combination of inputs really helps me access certain functions while racing without using too much brain power. I know exactly where my overtake and DRS buttons are, and can quickly change my car setup on the fly.

    Your button mapping preference may be a little different to mine, which is fine. Whatever feels comfortable for you.


    These settings should give you the most realistic and immersive experience in F1 22 with your MOZA R9 wheel base.

    Let me know in the comments below what settings you’re using!

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    Article written by Rich

    Founder of SimRacingSetups.com

    Rich is the co-founder, and one of the main F1 setup creators and content writers for SimRacingSetups. With over a decade of experience as a graphic designer, marketing director, competitive sim racer and avid motorsport fan, Rich founded SimRacingSetup.com to share his passion and knowledge of sim racing and Formula 1 with other sim racers.

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