How To Use Our F1 Car Setups On PC, Xbox & PlayStation

Our F1 car setups have all been designed to be used on Xbox, PlayStation and PC. In this guide I'll show you how to use one of our F1 car setups in your game on any platform.

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Codemasters haven’t featured any way to quickly download and install custom F1 car setups in their games other than using the time trial leaderboard and the preset setups. The setups that you can quickly currently access in the game are designed by Codemasters, allowing you to choose between increased downforce or increased top speed.

The downloadable car setups from the time trial leaderboard times are almost always set up for one lap pace. And most aren’t really usable in a race as they will be very hard on your tyres.

That is where our optimised F1 car setups come in. Our official Sim Racing setups F1 car setups are focused on maximising your race speed and ensuring you have the best tyre management possible. We try to optimise our car setups so that you can perform to your full potential.

In this guide below, I’ll explain how to easily use our car setups in your game, no matter which platform you are racing on.

Using our F1 24 car setups with Xbox, PlayStation and PC

As all versions of F1 24 use the same physics engine and menu structure, this method below is the best way to use our car setups across all consoles.

Step 1 – Find a setup you’d like to use

  • Browse our F1 car setups on
  • Find the track you are racing on
  • Once you have selected a track, you can view all car setups that have been uploaded for that specific track
  • We have a variety of car setups for different weather conditions and different cars
  • Find a setup that you’d like to try

Step 2 – Jump Over To F1 24

  • Start up F1 24 on whichever platform you’re racing on
  • Jump into a race session of any type or a time trial session
    • If you’re testing a race setup, I’d recommend a race weekend practice session, as time trial sessions won’t give you accurate feedback
  • Once you are in the pits, load up the car setup screen in-game

Step 3 – Enter the setup from SimRacingSetups into your console

  • In your F1 car setup screen on your console, head to the far right to the custom setup option
  • Input the setup values from the F1 car setup on
  • Once you’ve input the whole setup, you can save it as a preset setup, allowing you to load it in the future quickly

Step 4 – Head out on track

  • Once you have input the whole setup, head out on track to test the setup out
  • Run a few laps using the setup before heading back to the pits
    • I’d recommend running soft or medium tyres on a medium to low fuel load when first testing setups, and ensure your tyres are fully up to temperature before pushing hard

Following the steps above will allow you to quickly test any of our car setups and save them for future use.

Testing multiple F1 car setups at once

You can always test multiple car setups during the same session, and I recommend doing so to find one that fits your driving style.

However try to ensure you use a fresh set of tyres during each test run, the same fuel load each time, and allow your tyres to get up to temperature every run. This will ensure consistency in your results, allowing you to decipher which setup works best for you accurately.

Hopefully, this quick F1 car setup tutorial will help. You will be racing with the best F1 car setup in no time!

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Article written by Rich

Founder of

Rich is the founder, F1 car setup creator and content writer for SimRacingSetups. With over a decade of experience as a graphic designer, marketing director, competitive sim racer and avid motorsport fan, Rich founded to share his passion and knowledge of sim racing and Formula 1 with other sim racers. Regularly writes for sim racing website

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