F1 2020 – How To Convert a Dry Setup To A Wet Setup

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F1 2020 Create A Wet Setup

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So you may have found the perfect race setup for every track in dry conditions. Maybe you’re even using our very own F1 2020 dry race setups.

But then you jump in to a race weekend, and you see it is going to rain at some point during the race. Or maybe it is even predicted to be a completely wet race.

Now you are faced with that tricky task of converting your decent dry race setup in to a wet setup. What do you change? And how much do you change it by?

Well, this guide for F1 2020, will run you through exactly what you need to change to convert any dry setup in to a wet setup.

How To Setup A Car For Wet Conditions

Before we run through exactly what to change to convert a dry setup in to a wet setup. I’ll run you through exactly what you need for a good wet race setup.

To create a good car setup for wet conditions in F1 2020, you ultimately require a car that is stable, and easy to drive.

Having a car which is prone to oversteer, can be the fastest way to setup a car in perfect dry conditions. But you certainly don’t want the rear end stepping out of control when it comes to driving in the rain.

Instead, you want a car which is predictable, and wont give you a load of wheel spin when accelerating out of every corner.

The main areas you should focus on when setting up a car for wet weather in F1 2020 are;

Higher downforce

You certainly want to increase your downforce, both front and rear for wet conditions. If you run your usual dry aero setup in the rain. You will find your car understeering into corners as your car simply wont have the downforce required to turn in.

You will also struggle on corner exit, as you wont have the required rear downforce to push your tyres in to the road.

Lower On-Throttle Differential

As a general rule of thumb, you will want your on-throttle set to its lowest setting in the rain. This is one of the main contributors to how fast your rear wheels will lose traction when accelerating.

Softer Suspension

By softening your suspension you achieve a few objectives. Your car will be more gentle under heavy inputs. This will mean your car is much less likely to snap on you under heavy cornering, braking or acceleration.

It will also slow your suspension rebound speed, which will allow you to drive over bumps and kerbs more. This will generally give you a car which is much more forgiving to drive.

Higher Ride Height

When the heavens open, and the rain starts pouring down, the water sits on top of the track. This decreases the gap from the bottom of your car to the track or water surface.

If this gap gets too low, your car will start to skid over the water. This will also start to lift your tyres off of the track, and cause a senstation called aqua planning.

When your car aqua planes, you lose all turning or braking control, meaning you are highly susceptible to losing control of your car. To avoid this, we simply raise the height of the car, to ensure we have ground clearance.

Lower Brake Pressure

When it comes to braking in wet conditions in F1 2020, the harder you brake, the more likely you are to lock a wheel. Because grip is vastly lower in wet conditions, the risk of locking a wheel under braking increases dramatically.

To counteract this, we always lower the brake pressure. By lowering the brake pressure we are ensuring that even when we slam the brake pedal down, the ultimate braking force is lower, meaning we lower the risk of locking a wheel.

Higher Tyre Pressures

The final part of our setup that we adjust for wet conditions is to lower the tyre pressures. Lowering the tyre pressures, ultimately means that more of the tyre is in contact with the track surface at any point.

By ensuring that we have as much tyre touching the asphalt is important to giving us the most amount of grip that we can.

How To Convert Any Dry Setup To A Wet Setup

So now we’ve covered what we are looking for when setting up a car for a wet race in F1 2020. We can start to look at exactly how to change any setup to make the perfect wet race setup.

Below, we have recommendations for exact changes to make to a dry setup. By applying these changes you should be able to turn any dry setup in to a decent wet setup.

Of course, this is a base recommendation, and you can tailor your wet setup to be better by tweaking it after applying these changes. But this should give you a decent platform to quickly create wet setups.

What To Change For Wet Conditions


  • Increase the front and rear aero by 2


  • Lower the On-Throttle Differential to 50%.
  • If the Off-Throttle Differential is higher than 70%, lower it to 65%.

Suspension Geometry

  • Lower your rear camber by 1 point.


  • Lower your front and rear suspension by 1.
  • If either suspension option is above 5 lower it by 2.
  • If you rear anti-roll bar is over 8, lower it by 1.
  • Increase both front and rear ride height by 5.


  • Lower brake pressure to below 90%.
  • If brake bias is above 53%, lower it to 52%.


  • Lower your front tyre pressures by 1 point.
  • Lower your rear tyre pressures by 2 points.

By using the above changes, you should be able to get a decent wet setup for any track. The above changes should be applied to your favourite dry race setup.

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Article written by Rich

Founder of SimRacingSetups.com

Rich is the founder, F1 car setup creator and content writer for SimRacingSetups. With over a decade of experience as a graphic designer, marketing director, competitive sim racer and avid motorsport fan, Rich founded SimRacingSetup.com to share his passion and knowledge of sim racing and Formula 1 with other sim racers. Regularly writes for sim racing website SimRaceReviews.com

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