Assetto Corsa Evo Best Assists To Enable & Disable

Setting up Assetto Corsa Evo for the first time can be a little daunting with a range of controls, graphics and assists to adjust. Find out which assists you should be using and which assists can make you faster by disabling them.

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Assetto Corsa Evo Assists

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Assetto Corsa Evo is one of the most realistic racing simulators around, even in early access. However, thanks to a range of driving assists, any gamer or sim racer can easily jump into a car and put in solid laps without ending up in a gravel trap or wall.

In this Assetto Corsa Evo assists guide, I’ll run through what all of the driving assists in the new AC Evo do. I’ll also look at which assists I’d recommend enabling and which you should definitely disable.

Assetto Corsa Evo driving assists explained

To start, I want to run through all the driving assists and explain what each one does. I’ll then look at which assists I’d recommend enabling and disabling.

Automatic Ignition

The automatic ignition assist will start your car for you automatically when you first jump into it. It will enable the start and ignition so your car is ready to drive. For those who strive for realism, turning this off lets drivers start their car manually.

Automatic Gearbox

The auto gearbox assist will change gears automatically, meaning you won’t have to shift gears. This is great for newer players and those who don’t use a shifter.

Automatic Pit Limiter

The auto pit limiter will enable and disable the pit limiter automatically as you enter and exit the pit lane. Not using the pit limiter can cause you to receive a penalty, so this is ideal for those who may forget about the limiter or not want to have to worry about penalties during a race.

Automatic Clutch

The auto clutch assist will enable the clutch for you, meaning you can change gears without depressing the clutch pedal. This is ideal for sim racers using paddle shifters but wanting to drive a manual car, as the game will enable the clutch automatically as you change gear.

Automatic Clutch on Start

The automatic clutch on start will depress the clutch for you when you start the car. This will help you avoid stalling your car if you start the engine without having the clutch pedal depressed. Again, this is ideal for sim racers using shifter paddles or racing without a clutch pedal.

Standing Start Assist

The standing start assist is designed to make it easier to get away from the line during a standing race start. It will help manage your throttle and prevent wheelspin as you accelerate from the line.

Automatic Throttle Blip

The throttle blip is another assist that’s ideal for sim racers who are racing a manual car with paddle shifters. This will let the game blip the throttle everytime you downshift, and will make shifting much smoother. If you plan on using a heel and toe technique, you can disable this assist.

Automatic headlights

Automatic headlight assist will turn the headlights on and off automatically for you without you needing to press any buttons or inputs.

Automatic Wipers

Auto wipers will turn the wipers on and off as the rain starts and stops. This is great in AC Evo, as dynamic weather is a feature so the rain intensity can change throughout a race session.

Ideal Line

The ideal racing line will show the best line to be on while driving. This is great if you are driving a new car or track and trying to learn the racing line and braking points.

Stability Control

Stability control is the only real assist that will affect your car’s behaviour on track. Enabling this and turning the stability control percentage higher will make your car easier to drive. This can make your car slower by limiting its potential, as the game will step in if the car gets loose or is about to lose grip.

The best assists to enable and disable in AC Evo

With all assists explained, lets look at which assists I’d recommend enabling and disabling, and the settings that I’m using. Below are my recommended driving assists settings in AC Evo.

Automatic IgnitionOff
Automatic GearboxOff
Automatic Pit LimiterOff
Automatic ClutchOn
Automatic Clutch on StartOn
Standing Start AssistOff
Automatic Throttle BlipOn
Automatic headlightsOff
Automatic WipersOff
Ideal LineOff
Stability ControlOff
Stability Control0%
Assetto Corsa Evo Assists

Recommended AC Evo wheel settings

If you’re racing AC Evo with a racing wheel, check out our recommended wheel settings in the video below. The video runs through the best force feedback and wheel settings for the most popular racing wheels including Fanatec, MOZA Racing, SIMAGIC, Logitech and others.

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Frequently asked questions

Does Assetto Corsa Evo have driving assists?

There are a range of driving assists in AC Evo. They range from handling tasks such as enabling and disable the pit limiter and turning on your engine, to more in-depth assists such as stability control.

Do assists in Assetto Corsa Evo slow you down?

Some driving assists can result in your being slower on track as they will limit the behaviour of the car to keep it pointing in the right direction. An automatic gearbox along with stability control can slow the car and result in slower lap times.

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Article written by Rich

Founder of

Rich is the founder, F1 car setup creator and content writer for SimRacingSetups. With over a decade of experience as a graphic designer, marketing director, competitive sim racer and avid motorsport fan, Rich founded to share his passion and knowledge of sim racing and Formula 1 with other sim racers. Regularly writes for sim racing website

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