F1 22 Saudi Arabia Grand Prix

Below are links to a variety of resources to help you learn the tracks in F1 22 and improve your lap times. Click the links below to quickly see our recommended car setup for Saudi Arabia, along with a track guide and car setups from other members of our community.

Jeddah Track Map


Lap Records

1:30.734 Official F1 Record
1:27.337 F1 22 Lap Record
6.174 km Circuit Length

Circuit Information

Jeddah is an extremely high-speed circuit that will test your car's top speed and high-speed cornering. You will require a relatively low downforce car setup for Jeddah in F1 22 to post the fastest lap times, with a strong emphasis on rear stability. There are a total of 27 corners that will really test your car's balance. With the right car setup, and practice, Jeddah is an extremely fun street track to race in F1 22.

F1 22 Saudi Arabia Optimised Dry Setup

Here is our recommended Saudi Arabia car setup for dry conditions in F1 22. This car setup is designed for long distance races, and isn't a single lap time trial setup designed to top the F1 22 leaderboards. This Saudi Arabia car setup was created using a racing wheel but can be used with controllers.

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